

今天想推薦的一首冷門英文單曲名叫King,主唱的是Lauren Aquilina。不算是我最喜歡的歌,也不是那種很洗腦令人會瘋狂循環播放的歌,但歌曲裏面簡單療癒的旋律、女歌手乾淨柔韌的嗓音、能安撫不安心情的歌詞(最喜歡那句"Put all your faults to bed"),令它成為了我偶爾有些負面情緒時的必聽歌曲(晚上睡前常聽XD)。希望能傳遞到一些正能量





You're alone, you're on your own, so what?
Have you gone blind?
Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours?
Glass half empty, glass half full
Well, either way, you won't be going thirsty
Count your blessings not your flaws

You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crown
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king again

You don't get what all this is about
You're too wrapped up in your self-doubt
You've got that young blood, set it free

You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crown
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king

There's method in my madness
There's no logic in your sadness
You don't gain a single thing from misery
Take it from me

You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crown
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king

You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crown
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king again




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